Google Personal Search Will Have on SEO, Blogging, Social Media and the Web as Whole

Google gets personal: Now everybody will get personalized search results based on their search habits in the past unless they opt out in a tedious process. So most people won’t opt out or even notice at all, at least at first.

1.The rich will get richer, that is the attention rich. Those sites that have a brand and/or audience already will profit from Google personal search results. The sites people already click most often will rank on top. Wikipedia will dominate even more.


Many people think that having a good website is all you need to get tons of visitors. Wrong answer. Getting traffic to your site takes hard work and diligence and is not accomplished overnight. Think about it this way - how are people supposed to know where to find your site if you don't tell them? You must advertise. Here are some proven ways to advertise your site without spending [much] money:

1. Submit your site to as many search engines as you can. Here are some of the popular ones you can start with:

studious as younger

Learning has two purposes. The first is to sharpen the brain and broaden your horizons. The second is to be useful guidance to the community. Unfortunately today, most of us have made the learning process as a means to acquire wealth and position alone. Devotion in society only become symbolic status of the position only.

Learning has a practical value as well as idealistic. In addition to forming the character, we learn mebuat to be smart in general, and specific expertise to mengusai packed life. With the expertise we have reply, will make us able to survive especially in a rainy day; when no regular job and when no family which helps to feed. The ability to survive depends on the education we have. Yg useful skill is better than the money. Smart or stupid, we should learn. Far more useful to obtain more knowledge than to know more people.
