want to know antivirus from Indonesia?? As we know that there Outside there are many good free antivirus, call Avira, Avast, AVG, Panda Antivirus, and so on. However, it often does not recognize antivirus / detect viruses creations from Indonesia. Therefore, antivirus needed for the virus from Indonesia a powerful best to eradicate a stubborn local virus.
Here are some of the best local antivirus that you can try.
1. SmadAV
Who does not know with this one antivirus, with the ability merecovery files infected with the virus and the smart technology is not excessive behavior SmadAV claimed as the best local antivirus for now.
Antiviral PCMedia dibundle with this magazine can be said that a complete antivirus, but supplied with a virus database updates, combined with the Plus ability to add value is very good.
Antivirus artificial communities yogya children can not be considered one eye, with a simple appearance, ANSAV have equal abilities or PCMAV SmadAV. Antivirus is equipped with plugins and multi language.
4. AVIGen
Antivirus this one was rarely heard ditelinga us, antiviral agents used to search for files containing the worm, hacktool, or trojan exploits this script is open source so we can download as well antivirusnya, we can also obtain the source code.